The Trouble With Brothers...
Daphne Malone has three of them -- a cop, a fireman and a long-haul trucker -- all older, all protective to a fault, all convinced that their little sister can't take care of herself. She's twenty-six, for heaven's sake, not six!
Okay, it's true that her career pursuits, not to mention her romantic pursuits, haven't always panned out. Well, make that never panned out. But now, diploma in hand, she's starting a brand-new career in special-effects makeup. For the moment she's working as a birthday party clown, but one of the movie studios is going to notice her any day....
Daphne gets noticed, all right -- by FBI agent Logan Grant. They meet in unusual circumstances involving...clown costumes. If she thinks her brothers flipped out before, wait till Logan ends up hiding in her apartment. Wait till he becomes her temporary clown partner. And wait till she falls for him -- hard!