Two beloved stories in one book!
Professor Nolan "Camp" Campbell asks,
"Can today's women handle the rigors of pioneer life?"True? Find out, in...
Anything You Can Do . . .
Camp recruits a group of women to reenact an 1820s wagon train journey. They include Sherry . . . and the lovely Emily Benton, with her two impossible children, Megan and Mark. Camp discovers that wagon train life is enjoyable one minute and frightening the next -- rather like falling in love. With Emily . . .
His sister Sherry says,
"Anything a man can do, a woman can do better!" True? Find out in...
Having It All Sherry Campbell believes love and independence are incompatible. Garrett Lock -- a man she encountered on the wagon train expedition -- disagrees. He wants it all. He's a single father with a child he adores. He has a successful career. And now he wants another shot at love. Coffee in the morning and kisses at night. With Sherry . . .