Things had never come easy for hedge fund manager, Payton Cummings, and it had driven her to be the best at everything she did. She had the strength of will, the determination, and the stunning good looks to take her to the top. But being the best can get boring and it led her to seek excitement; an adrenaline junkie, led to take greater and greater risks to satisfy her addiction. High risk, high reward. She and some of her adrenaline junkie friends had found something that made things like rock climbing, cliff jumping and skydiving seem mundane. But what really got Payton’s blood pumping, and at times seemed like the ultimate risk, was her involvement with Baby Chris Arcus, an enforcer for Jackie Washington; a captain in Mike Black’s Family. Most of the men that I meet are puppies that are scared of their own shadow. And they are definitely scared of me. But not you. You’re not afraid of me, are you? When things go terribly wrong with her other recent addiction, Payton finds out that some things aren’t worth the risk, and that in times like those, it’s good to have a heavily armed man that’s not afraid of anything.After defeating her enemies with the help of The Four Kings, Barbara Ray had established herself and solidified her position in The Family. Following the assassination of Ivory Sullivan, Jackie gave Sweet Nectar to Barbara as a reward, and a way to ensure that she had the muscle that she desperately needed. But she’ll have to prove that she is worthy of their loyalty.