Congressman Buck Landson from Ohio is a fan of big time auto racing, including, of course, the famous Indy 500, so he is concerned when terrorists threaten a major disruption of the next race on Memorial Day weekend. The race is, everybody agrees, a major American event, perfect for a strike by a terrorist. Landson is also pals with Jim Phillips, son of James Phillips, founder and owner of vast Dresden Industries of Indianapolis, a company deeply involved in medical and space research, holography, and other cutting edge sciences, and major sponsor of one of the cars in the race. Jim Phillips, in fact, will serve on the pit crew of the Dresden racer. Amil Nazhar is the one chosen to make the mighty statement with a bomb that will kill thousands of race fans at the Indianapolis Speedway on race day. "A Capital Offense" builds to a stunning conclusion that directly involves Landson, the Phillips, Nazhar, and other characters including Landson's new wife, Kathryn D'Angelo.