Claire Stewart has inherited her father's freighting business based in 1864 Denver, Colorado. Determined to prove she is capable of running the business on her own, Claire must compete against a wealthy businessman who wants to bring her down.
Two Wolves, half Cheyenne, scouts for the U. S. Army. He is determined to prove that white men have been committing raids against their own kind in order to fuel the fires of hatred of Colorado citizens against the Cheyenne. When he rescues Claire from just such an attack, he is struck by her fiery independence and youthful beauty. Most of all, he admires her brave attempt to save her father's business and to help Two Wolves prove that her attack was by white men, led by the very businessman who is her competitor.
Through events that keep forcing these two together and cause Two Wolves to risk his life in Claire's defense more than once, a bond develops that turns into a steamy attraction between a tiny, red-headed young white woman and a powerful, brave, handsome Indian warrior. This attraction leads to a hot, forbidden romance that develops into a memorable “against-all-odds” love story.
Set against the true history of atrocities committed by the Colorado militia against peaceful Cheyenne, CAPTURE MY HEART brings to light the struggle of the southern Cheyenne to survive amid more and more white settlement; and it shows the courage of Indians and certain brave whites alike in trying to keep the peace during one of the most difficult periods in Colorado history.