Take a madcap cruise through interstellar space!James and Lyn Moore-the talented but befuddled musicians that make up the Intergalactic Band of Brilliance-play their most important show yet, a headline gig on an interstellar cruise line. Frisky, their newly adopted cat, just wants to have feline fun. When the cruise line hosts the Intergalactic Veterinarian of the Year tour, a rock star veterinarian demands Frisky volunteer for his groundbreaking reveal of Smart Dust.Soon the cat and his boys become entangled in a galaxy-spanning net of intrigue, secret agents, and organized crime.Can the Cruise Brothers avoid the brig long enough to make a name for themselves?Can Frisky save the universe?Who will operate the food dispenser if he can't?----THE INTERGALACTIC VETERINARIAN OF THE YEAR is a way-out Cruise Brothers novel filled with music, mayhem, and mystery from bestselling science fiction author Ron Collins and his brother, veteran guitarist Jeff Collins.