In most fairy-tales, the story ends before real-life begins. In My Life With A Billionaire, a young lawyer, Cynthia Burrows, finds herself in a relationship with an eccentric Silicon Valley tech-titan who life is complicated: his kids and ex-wife live down the street and, after losing control of his start-up, he wonders if his entrepreneurial life is over at thirty-three. He needs to overcome a scientist's version of writer's block and figure out what to do with the rest of his life. A modern-day Cinderella story? Perhaps, but in My Life With A Billionaire, Prince Charming is more of a brooding Heathcliff than Barbie's clueless Ken. How does Cynthia cope with a dramatic change in lifestyle and her new relationship with a world-class genius? How does this twenty-first century fairy-tale end? Or does it? Stay tuned...or read on.