An imaginative short story inspired by real events, taken from the collection, BEYOND THE STARS, and written and illustrated by two award-winning talents
Told from the perspective of the Russian dog Tsygan, this is the story of the first living creatures to be sent into space â€" the ‘star dogs' of the title.
Roddy Doyle's typically accessible voice is complemented by the illuminating illustrations of Steve Simpson, together immersing a new generation of young readers in the incredible true story of the Soviet space dogs, one of the twentieth century's true feats of science.
About the author
Roddy Doyle has written ten novels, including Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha, which won the Booker prize in 1993 and The Commitments, now a popular West End show. He is the co-founder of Fighting Words. He has written several books for children, the latest of which is called Brilliant. He lives in Dublin â€" which is also brilliant.For thirty years Steve Simpson has been applying his multi-disciplinary skills to creative projects for a diverse range of clients right across the globe. Steve's innovative, award-winning approach to graphic design, typography and illustration is built on fresh thinking, traditional skills and a healthy dose of fun. Mise agus an Dragún, written by Patricia Forde and illustrated by Steve was shortlisted for the CBI Book of the Year Awards in 2013.