The Dystopian world of 2144AD has heard from Salphaone and Sally Fay. Now it is SDA3 and SDA4's turn to be heard; what about the Encapp boys? All the years of Europe Nation Nancy fawning over Salphaone, then including Sally Fay simply because she was a girl. From a Uset!set! recall alert to an explosion at the Tre Nereidi orange triple sec bottling plant in Brindisi, Italy, to an all world encompassing Encapp look alike contest, we see and hear from adolescents Henry and Lee and meet some of their relatives along the way; such as Uncle Myron twanging Mi, My, Mo, I Come From Marlboro. This volume from Warped Time and Punishment reveals who actually is Salphaone's father and who has known from almost the beginning.