On this continuation of the incredible saga, Father Gabriel Infante, The Miracle Weaver, has to resist a new wave of satanic temptations. The devil pokes a small mark on the mystic's eye that leads him to heavy drinking, which leads him to inappropriate behavior until he ends up in jail charged with capital murder of a divorced woman he spends the night with. The Miracle Weaver's mystical powers disappear while under satanic influence. While staying in a convent in Canada, Theresa Reynolds, although still a virgin, learns that she is pregnant. She leaves her religious order and moves to California to have her baby; she works as a cook at a restaurant in the San Francisco Bay area. The mystic is released from jail when the police discover the true killer, so he resigns his position and asks for dispensation from Rome. Gabriel immediately sets out to find Theresa and hits the road on a motorcycle. He encounters dangerous adventures on his arduous cross-country quest. The two are finally reunited; the Devil, however, continues to harass them at every opportunity. Gabriel Infante begins a new chapter of his life, married with children, living in California but again able to perform amazing miracles in the service of God's people. Cataclysmic circumstances then lead him to move from California, but Satan is still following his tracks.