The Planet of the Chickens is here! In the future, humanity has devolved into rat-sized pests who stir up trouble in a civilization of super-sized poultry. Killer roosters hunt the pests without mercy, but one such hired gun--champion cockfighter Shad Lugo--can't close the deal. This bad mother-clucker runs afoul of the wiliest pack of little people ever, turning routine pest control into a gut-wrenching grudge match. Feathers and bullets fly as the death-dealing rooster wages a one-cock war on the vicious little pests...and plunges beak-first into a nightmare that's even crazier and more shocking than the clucked-up world he inhabits. Don't miss this story by award-winning Doctor Who and Star Trek writer Robert Jeschonek, a master of unique and unexpected science fiction that really packs a punch.