In this work of contemporary fiction, Federal Agent Joe Maki is in charge of field operations for the Boston, MA Homeland Security Office. His responsibilities include the oversight of a city that is rich in tradition and extremely diverse in its population. That comes with the territory when you have an internationally renowned university like Harvard that just happens to be the oldest functioning institute of higher learning. Add to that MIT and Boston University along with fifty-one other institutions of higher learning and you have outspoken diversity on steroids. This does not make the job of Joe Maki any easier. Since 9/11, the country has been on alert for signs of more terrorism. What is clear from the acts of terrorism worldwide is their extreme differences. This is due to the lack of centralized organization. There are “sleeper cells” all over the world waiting to be radicalized. In America, daily efforts are being conducted by the FBI and Homeland Security to research this process and prevent its explosive results. The story presented here chronicles the process of radicalization and its ominous and deadly progress within a society.