Bert Maynard a trout fisherman had an inspiration one day and comes up with his Biggest and Best Big Idea: use a robot fishing lure to catch fish with. Catching fish with a robot fishing lure would be like catching fish in a bait tank! Bert hurries off to see Krong. Bert is in Huntington Beach, California, at the time. Krong agrees to make some robot fishing lures, and Bert leaves and goes back to Troutville, USA, where he lives near the best brook trout fishing; the best lake trout fishing; and the best brown trout fishing in all the world, its location is a well kept secret!Some months later Bert gets his robot fishing lures, called robot fishing lures or RFLs. Bert names his two RFLs, Willy and Tilly. Troutville, USA, has a trout tournament each year, which Bert has done very well at, being one hell of a fisherman. He figures with Willy and Tilly he has The Grand Slam sewed up: to win each of the three trout categories: brook, lake, and brown trout; for some kind of big prize money and the prestige of winning The Grand Slam!Unbeknownst to Bert, his big competition, Jack Cheater Swiller, comes up with the same Big Idea almost at the same time, and, the Watchers, being fair minded, give Cheater some RFLs too.Unbeknownst to Cheater, Bert gets Willy and Tilly and the battle is on!Can Bert Maynard and Willy The Wonder Fish and Tilly The Wonder Fish win The Grand Slam trout tournament and beat Jack (the Cheater) Swiller and his RFLs?!