One Person's Game is Another's Nightmare Woody Beckman and June Medina defied the odds and found each other in post-zombie-apocalypse Arizona. No longer go-it-alone survivors, they now face the future together with something to lose. Each other. When the worst psychotic, petty, wannabe warlord of them all sets a trap for Woody, June, and Dallas and launches them into her twisted game, it will take everything they've got just to survive the day. Can Woody and June beat the odds and let their love flourish in a world of zombies and psychotic, petty, wannabe warlords? A story of adventure and love and taking things (even the apocalypse) in stride. Woody and June versus Two Guns is also available with four other episodes as part of Woody and June versus the Apocalypse: Volume 2 (Episodes 8-12)