The beating humiliated Jake Barry and he openly vowed that he would get even, but this time with guns. Ted Wayne did not know why there had to be a fight at all. Polly Arnold, Ted's girl from the Bar A, witnessed the fight in town and now has mixed feelings about Ted. Ed Wayne, Ted's father and the owner of the affluent WP brand, refuses to listen to his son's account of the affair. As far as Ed is concerned, this was just another in a string of scrapes his son has been in, and they have to stop to preserve his son's chances of ever taking over ownership of the Whippoorwill. Ed sends Ted on a secret mission to the tough town of Rainbow to locate Jim Hunter. To help Ted in this quest, his father gives him two letters of introduction, one to Miles Henseler, owner of The Three Colors, a gambling resort at Rainbow, and the other to a Mortimer G. Webb. At The Three Colors, Ted meets Miles Henseler and delivers his letter, the contents of which he knows nothing about. Henseler's advice to Ted is to go to bed and leave the rest to him. When Ted, somewhat disappointed, gets to the hotel, a man that fits the description of Jim Hunter quickly eludes him. It is the beginning of what will prove to be a very dangerous pursuit.