The Imperial House of Chaomonous was awake again. For a thousand years, while the two-headed dragon barred magic from the Golden Kingdom, the castle had slept. But now the dragon was dead, and the castle stirred and surveyed itself. It found things in a mess!
The throne had been usurped by Queen Ligne, while the rightful heir, Princess Bronwynn, was locked in the dungeons. And now -- to make matters worse -- slaver Adman Faye was invading its lower depths.
Floors creaked, walls sweated, winds swept the halls, and every bell rang constantly. But nobody would listen to the House. Where was the powershaper, the wizard who could understand its warnings?
Unfortunately, the only powershaper was Pelmen, former Prophet of Lamath. And he was far away with a troupe of actors, rehearsing a play to flatter Queen Ligne. Hardly a worthy occupation, when the House needed him!