" ...] Influence of Shelley-Details of Home Education-Its Effects-Youthful Restlessness-Counteracting Love of Home-Early Friendships: Alfred Domett, Joseph Arnould, the Silverthornes-Choice of Poetry as a Profession-Alternative Suggestions; mistaken Rumours concerning them-Interest in Art-Love of good Theatrical Performances-Talent for Acting-Final Preparation for Literary Life. Chapter 5 1833-1835 'Pauline'-Letters to Mr. Fox-Publication of the Poem; chief Biographical and Literary Characteristics-Mr. Fox's Review in the 'Monthly Repository'; other Notices-Russian Journey-Desired diplomatic Appointment-Minor Poems; first Sonnet; their Mode of Appearance-'The Trifler'-M. de Ripert-Monclar-'Paracelsus'-Letters to Mr. Fox concerning it; its ...]."