The Magic and Mayhem continue as Garrett and Layla, along with their allies from Assjacket, return to the Bayou in a new Shifted adventure...Clarabelle Cocodri has a lot on her plate as guardian of her teenaged gator Shifter brother. When her favorite cousin—and new alpha—returns to Terrebonne Parish, she's not too sure it's for the best. He's mated to a witch, and the congregation has been done dirty by magic users. But when she finds a gorgeous stranger in her garden shed with a magical malady, she knows she'll need Garrett's help.Johann Bastien is a lonely, down-on-his-luck musician in the French Quarter looking for a change in his life and a break from his bullying bandmates. He gets more than he bargained for when he's compelled to take a walk into the darkness and wakes up in the St. Louis No. 1 Cemetery a new—but definitely not better—man. He flees to the Bayou and finds solace in a quiet garden shed until he can figure out what he'll do next...that is until the most beautiful woman he's ever seen opens the door.Garrett Cocodri and Layla Du Mer are fated mates who just want the opportunity to strengthen their bond. But Garrett's father left a mess for them and everyone and their gator needs their help. When an injured Shifter is found with a strange bite, and Garrett's childhood best friend shows up unexpectedly, Garrett is forced to put his bonding on hold to face challenges he never saw coming. Can Johann be saved from his debilitating condition? Can Clarabelle learn to trust her cousin and overcome her fear of witches? Will Garrett and Layla become the leaders Terrebonne Parish not only wants but needs? These witches and Shifters will have to work together and try to ignore their hopped-up hormones in order to rebuild their struggling congregation and survive a powerful foe who threatens them all.*Can be read as a standalone, but reading Shifted will enhance the experience. 18+ for sex, hex, and compulsive movie quoting...