Raven Pierce left the States with a broken heart, without a word of explanation to her family as to why she transferred to Oxford University, England to continue her last two years of her education. Raven had lived in England for many happy years when her father, Lieutenant General Adam Pierce was Base Commander of Lakenheath, Air Force Base, in England. At age nineteen, Raven was enthralled with all things English, and when she met Lord Tristan Hadley, Raven thought he was the personification of what a Baron should be.
Tristan met Raven at Cherry Hill Stables where her horse, Dancer was boarding. Raven's grandmother, Caroline Cameron always sent Dancer to Raven wherever she and her family were
stationed. Tristan was much older than Raven, however Raven saw that as no impediment to their friendship. Raven was the youngest of a loving family, therefore when Lord Hadley asked her to
marry him; she saw no reason not to say, yes.
Raven had always felt loved and had no cause to believe otherwise when Tristan told her hr loved her and asked her to marry him. Being young, trusting and unsuspecting, Raven had no concept of the diabolical plan Lord Hadley and his revengeful, scheming mother had plotted involving her.