In the Anacon Village, spirited and young Angel Brightman dreamed of becoming a great warrior and freeing the world of Dragos' evil reign. But her dreams became a nightmare when her village was invaded by demons and zombies bent out to rape, pillage and plunder. The sole survivor, Angel escaped into a forest and was found by a man who adopted her as his own and trained her to be a fighter. Years later, Angel became part of the Warriors of Shar, skilled defenders and searchers of an ancient book believed to confirm great prophecies. Angel joined up with Zen Greystoke, a handsome yet mischievous warrior and Hazel Gale, a half-velic magician. When another battle raged in the Canas Village led by Dragosian General Judis Blaine, Hazel's lost love gone evil, Hazel and Angel realized their true mission was a journey to Dragos' castle to free Hazel's father held captive there and do battle with Dragos himself. Zen Greystoke tagged along for excitement and adventure as the friends met fildorsos and velics, and battled horrific zombies and demons along the way But could the trio beat the odds, making it to the castle safely to defeat the horrific Dragos?