PERIL PRESS presents:Argosy, July 19 1941WARHEADby Richard SaleAuthor of “QRR,” “In Action,” etc.This would have been simply an ocean holiday on the blue Caribbean—if the tools of war had not been there, and if it had not been for the stirrings of a warrior's memory4900 WordsArgosy, July 19 1941MEN OF DARINGSuicide Squad! Capt. Daviesby Stookie AllenA True Story In Pictures4 Illustrations230 WordsArgosy, July 19 1941LEGENDS OF THE LEGIONARIESby W.A. WindasOrigins Of The Customs And Sayings Of The Fighting Men4 Illustrations 200 WordsThis edition includes the illustrations to the story and 2 features as well as the cover to the issue of Argosy these were first published in and an in-house ad. Additionally this edition includes a Gallery of 11 pulps covers from issues that featured stories by Richard Sale.