This is a fast-paced thriller which centres around a British cash-in-transit (armoured car) company whose Slough operation becomes the target of a group of skilled, violent and merciless criminals manipulated by an invisible psychopath, who pull off one of the most daring robberies of our time. The cash-in-transit industry plays an integral role in the nation's economy as it distributes and secures hundreds of millions in high value currency and other assets on fleets of armoured vehicles out of high security hubs across the land. The responsibility for the criminal investigation lands in the lap of the Slough police. The chief investigating officer and his team pursue numerous leads through a series of sub plots, with the assistance of Interpol and Samantha Kelly, an attractive, wily insurance investigator assigned to the task by a Lloyds insurance syndicate in London. The magnitude of the loss places enormous pressure on the insurance syndicate and Sam embarks on a journey of extreme personal danger in an effort to recover as much of the loss as possible from locations in the United Kingdom, Europe and South America.