is a bone-chilling tale of vengeance and the horrifying echoes of the past. Decades after the mysterious disappearance of a young girl named Sally Barrett, the town of Millhaven has moved on, burying her memory under layers of time and whispers. But when a series of strange and violent events begins to plague the town, it becomes clear that Sally's story is far from over.Marianne Reed, a local historian, becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth about Sally after discovering an old, bloodstained diary hidden in the town archives. The diary hints at a dark conspiracy and a ritual gone horribly wrong, one that ties the townspeople to Sally's disappearance. As Marianne delves deeper, she starts to experience chilling visions of a girl in a tattered white dress, her laughter echoing in empty hallways and her presence chilling the air.But Sally isn't just a memory or a ghost. She's back, and she's not alone. Driven by a hunger for revenge, she unearths the secrets of Millhaven, dragging its guilty residents into a nightmarish reckoning. As the body count rises, Marianne must race against time to piece together the truth before she too becomes a victim of Sally's wrath.Return of Sally is a gripping horror story that blends small-town secrets, supernatural terror, and the relentless force of a spirit wronged. Perfect for fans of The Ring and The Others, this novel will leave you questioning the shadows in your own home and the stories we leave untold.