Three Books in one eBook - Lyin' Like a Dog, The Yankee Doctor, The Danged Swamp!
The Richard, the Paperboy Series comprises six novels set in a small village in the American-south during WW II. The first book in the series was The Red Scarf published in 2008 to much acclaim. This 3 volume set is book 2,3 and 4 in the series. The wild, funny, but sometimes touching escapades are told in a Tom-Sawyer-like style carrying the reader along on an emotional rollercoaster.
The series has garnered 21 five star reviews, and the new eBooks have individually been downloaded nearly 3000 times in the last 30 days.
These novels are about the life of a small town paperboy. In the summer, he is barefoot, sunburned, and shirtless. Up at five o'clock to deliver papers, home at six to feed the chickens and mules, and them off with his best friend to experience another life adventure.
There is something inherently charming about this innocent young boy, who always seems to find himself in trouble. He is not a perfect young man by any stretch of the imagination, but as he confronts life challenges and pratfalls, he will delight you and have you cheering him on. His complicated life gives you an insight into an era that is only a memory. It's a nostalgic read paced by newscaster Walter Winchell, who rattles out the news about the War. Radio shows, funny books, and picture shows are all part of this nostalgic trip back to 1944; a time when a young boy's entertainment was his imagination.