Kidnapped by a maniac...
Pretty, young Pamela was a very happy newlywed, with a loving husband and a beautiful home. But all that changed the night Rodney broke in. He's been obsessed with Pamela since high school, and now he intends to make her his slave for life. He drives her out to the blazing desert, where he thinks they'll be alone. He's wrong. Someone else is out there too...someone with a gun. When he kills Rodney, Pamela thinks she's been saved. Little does she know what's still ahead.
Driven into a nightmare!
At first Pamela is relieved, but something about her rescuer isn't quite right. Maybe it's the way he drops Rodney's body in a pit--like he's done it before. Or maybe it's the bus he's driving, with only mannequins for passengers. One thing is certain, she isn't prepared for what she finds when he drives her to a tiny, isolated town baking in the desert sun. A town with very odd customs and a unique way of welcoming strangers.