Copper Harbor, a peaceful and tranquil community is at the heart of this story with interesting characters, plenty of drama, and a Finnish family who has their tranquil existence torn apart by their son's role in a murder.
The beautiful Keweenaw Peninsula is often referred to as “Copper Country” and aptly so, as copper mines there have yielded tons of ore. Karl Carlson, a retired police officer smelts copper and sells it to jewelers in Europe. He depends on a supply of copper coming to him from a number of thieves who decide they want to partner with him. But, Karl calls them, “Good for nothings” and refuses to create a partnership. Thus the problem; and murder appears to be the only solution. This story, like the previous 15 Lou Searing Mysteries provides readers with a safe read complete with twists and turns as Detectives Lou Searing and Belle Franklin bring justice to Upper Michigan.