From out of the bonds of slavery there arose a warrior . . . a warrior feared across all lands, a warrior whose blade was stained with the blood of thousands - man and beast - who smiled as she killed, with hair as gold as summer sun, eyes as blue as the heavens, and a body which invited only love yet dealt bloody, merciless death to her enemies.
North of the Worldheart Ocean lay a land so forbidding in its loneliness that few men dared to risk their lives in an attempt to penetrate its mysteries. This was Quwhon, the land which Raven believed now harboured her deadliest enemy -- the weaponmaster Karl Ir Donwayne. Together with Spellbinder Raven was willing to face whatever dangers the snowstorms and swirling mists of Quwhon held, but even she was not prepared for the menacing evil of the being imprisoned deep beneath the snow -- Tanash, the Frozen God, enemy of all living things -- whose power was about to be unleashed...