This little girl has been watching her grandpa for a very long time, and she is almost absolutely certain that he is a dinosaur. So why is it that nobody believes her? Why can't anyone else see what she sees? He roars! (And no, it's not just a snore.) He has green skin! (And no, he's not from outer space.) He even has a tail! (And no, he's not a horse!) Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, the little girl goes straight to the source. It's time to ask Grandpa once and for all: is he a dinosaur?
Just like Gorillas in Our Midst, this book is all silliness and fun. Comic artist Richard Fairgray's illustrations are filled with wonderful, quirky details for kids to discover with each read. Kids will love that they can see that Grandpa is a dinosaur when nobody else can. And, of course, a story like this can't end without a surprising twist!