Volume 2. The Pack Trip, 48 pages, 47 pictures. The Chispita books are written on the premise that an adult reader can use the adventures of Pita to teach a growing child. Volume two "The pack Trip" begins with Chispita giving a short reintroduction of herself and what her duties are, she moves on to enlightening her Pita Kids about the fun of flying in a small airplane and how to use math to find answers to everyday problems. As Chispita introduces her owner (buddy) she "specks" about the reasonability of having a pet buddy and the tasks required to keep him/her healthy and safe, a "BIG JOB." Seat belt safety and silly word games entertain the Pita Kid's before Chispita moves forward to their pack trip and fishing adventure, here we meet Yojimbo dog her guardian friend, Justy the horse, Mr. Crump the mule and Casper her own private pack amimal, a math problem let's her Pita Kid's discover how much food Casper must carry for their stay in the mountains. The introduction of Casper leads to a lesson in French, and the meeting Deoogee and Seeatee. So off they go into the Golden Trout wilderness where they will learn about Bears, Deer, Chipmunks' and Mountain Cats, don't drink the water And finding a new and funny way to discover north. Casper tumbles into the river, Pita and Jim get caught napping in a deer's bed and silly words keep the Pita Kid's intertained. Camp fires and marsh-mallows with song lead to sleepy nights, but fishing is what they came for and fishing is what they do, with a "BIG" surprise? But the adventure ends with an even "BIGGER" surprise about a mountain cat, but you'll need to read volume two to find out what it is, He- He.