It's Saturday night and mild-mannered insurance adjuster Hobart Lindsey is where he usually is -- at home with Mother -- when the call comes in: a 1928 SJ Duesenberg convertible Phaeton, worth a cool half a million dollars, has been reported stolen by its owners, the New California Smart Set. It's a seemingly senseless crime. Like stealing the Mona Lisa. But Lindsey is determined to ferret out the Dusie's whereabouts -- and not just to save International Surety a bundle. This is Hobart Lindsey's chance to live...on the razor's edge.
From Oakland to Berkeley to the seedy precincts of Reno, The Classic Car Killer takes off like a shot, speeding Lindsey toward danger, romance, and a run-in with the law. For when the combustible world of the Smart Set erupts, murder results -- and Lindsey finds himself in the middle of a twisted wreckage of family secrets, old hatreds and newfangled greed.