~THE RAVAGED EMPIRE~REAPER OF GODSMorgis, the drake warrior, has sought to forge a life for himself on the war-torn continent of Thornheln even as he has helped the rebellion battle against the surviving elements of the Aramite Empire --- whose black clad soldiers are better known to the world at large as the wolf raiders. Yet Morgis --- a dragon in humanoid form now unable through a curse to resume his birth form --- has discovered that, with the collapsing of the empire, the wolf raiders are hardly the only danger to the fragile realm that the rebellion is seeking to build.When Morgis investigates what appears to be a past danger resurrected, he finds instead that his previous battle was but a shadow of something darker and older that is hunting not only the secrets of dead gods, but the gods themselves.And the power of a dragon, however bound by a curse, is also a prize worth hunting for...even if the dragon must be slain for that power to be taken.REAPER OF GODS