For the past two weeks, seventeen year old Mia Young has been haunted by dreams of running. Night after night of endless running. Running from some nameless threat until her muscles feel numb with pain and her legs collapse beneath her. And yet-she holds no illusions of escape. That is-until Chase comes along. A beautiful stranger with a dark secret, Mia is instantly drawn to Chase, and after several disturbing dreams starring Chase and a mysterious black wolf, Mia is frightened by the unfamiliar feelings stirring inside her. A reluctant friendship begins to blossom, and when Mia is attacked, she turns to Chase for support. Soon the lines of friendship begin to blur, and despite the lies and imperfections between them, Mia must decide if keeping Chase is worth the risk of exposing her broken heart. Mia's ultimate decision becomes one of life or death when a startling truth is revealed. Nothing is as it seems.