When sixteen-year-old Amy Brookman arrives at Scottsdale's Food Go pharmacy to pick up her prescription, pharmacy manager Ruthie Kantor Morris realizes that the distraught teen has just suffered a miscarriage and her heart goes out to the girl. With her usual care, Ruthie fills the prescription, counsels the patient about taking her medication, and wonders briefly what her story is, before her attention is consumed by other matters...and suddenly a young girl is dead.
A lovely young girl dies after taking the wrong pills and Ruthie is accused of making the fatal error. She knows she couldn't have made such a mistake, so it's time to discover who handed out the deadly dose on purpose. With Ruthie's professional reputation and a lot more on the line, there's no time to lose, and she and her friend Denise soon find themselves racing through a snarled trail of family feuds, jealousy, greed, and enough dirty little secrets to add up to a deadly prescription...for murder.