(Disclaimer: This is not a new title; it is a reworking of "Captain Wentworth's Persuasion" from Ulysses Press.) The love affair behind Jane Austen's classic, Persuasion, rests at the heart of this retelling from Captain Frederick Wentworth's point of view. He has loved her from the moment their eyes met some eight years prior, but Frederick Wentworth is determined to prove to Anne Elliot that she has made a mistake by refusing him. Persuaded by her family and friends of his lack of a future, Anne had sent him away, but now he is back, and it is Anne whose circumstances have brought her low. Frederick means to name another to replace her, but whenever he looks upon Anne's perfect countenance, his resolve wavers, and he finds himself lost once again to his desire for her. Return to the Regency and Austen's most compelling love story. Jeffers turns the tale upon its head while maintaining Jane Austen's tale of love and devotion.