He tempted her with passion...and won her with love!
She Swore Everlasting Revenge
Golden-haired Nikki Dennison lived for only one thing: revenge on Kurt Frazier, the lying, no account scoundrel who'd killed her papa. For six years, the gun-totin' Dakota spitfire had been searching high and low for the black-hearted cowboy who'd ravished her passionately one night, only to desert her and commit murder the next! And now, at long last, she had him right where she wanted him, at the end of a loaded pistol, and at her mercy!
He Promised Endless Ecstasy
Frazier couldn't believe his eyes! The mysterious stranger who had abducted him at gunpoint was Nikki, the precocious blue-eyed minx who'd seduced him in her daddy's barn years ago, then tossed him aside without a backward glance. Well, he'd soon show the hot-tempered little hellion just who was calling the shots! Once he'd gotten that gun out of her pretty little hands, he'd teach her a lesson about loving and leaving. He'd tease and tempt and tantalize until she begged for more. And he wouldn't stop until she was ready to surrender all she had for one more taste of passions' wild delight.