Book three,
The Child of the Erinyes series. A new myth from Ancient Greece.
There is a beast in the labyrinth. A monster. The people say he is both man and bull; some call him
Asterion, others the Minotaur.
Terrifying yet compelling, the beast offers Crete's only hope for redemption.
In the third installment of
The Child of the Erinyes, Queen Aridela sets out to rebuild her devastated country. Will she sacrifice her beloved consort as ancient tradition demands?
Chrysaleon seeks a way to escape his vow of death and subjugate his adopted land. Can he thwart the Goddess and survive?
Menoetius must offer his allegiance. Who will win his loyalty? His brother, or the woman he loves?
The choices these three make have unforeseen, horrific consequences, changing the course of history and propelling Goddess Athene's triad toward fulfillment of a bold, far-reaching design.
Includes an excerpt from the next book in the series, The Sixth Labyrinth.