Jack Frost, Denton Division, is not beloved by his superiors. In fact, he's something of a pain in the brass: unkempt and unruly, with a taste for crude humor and a tendency to cut corners. They'd like nothing better than to bounce him from the department. The only problem is, Frost's the one D.I. who, by hook or by crook, always seems to find a way to get the job done....
A nasty flu bug is going around the town of Denton, leaving the police department woefully understaffed and overworked. That's not the only nasty thing making the rounds: a rash of poison-pen letters has broken out, prompting one recipient to commit suicide and another to make an attempt. Another of Denton's fine citizens is taking a more direct approach, picking off vulnerable senior citizens in a series of brutal murders. Reeling from too many bodies and too little sleep, Jack Frost is praying he'll find a clue--or succumb to the flu--before the Granny Ripper strikes again.