Willow Bolden, a nineteen-year-old psychology major, is on track to finish college so she and her BFF can attend grad school together and open their own clinic. And Willow loves her fiancé. She's just not in love with him anymore. If only she could figure out how to tell him. However, the minor fiancé problem pales in comparison to the brazen flirt hitting on her in cyber space. A zealous dancer hitting on her in Central Park. And a world-class psychology professor blocking graduation whom she'd like to hit. She hates one. She's never met two. And she's analyzing all three. She has a roommate who loves to stir the pot, a cat who pretends to be a dog, and a dog who sings with a horse. Willow's mother calls daily, her almost-ex-fiancé refuses to give up, and she finds herself in a predictable rut.But Willow is full of surprises!