A Judge on Trial. His Life on the Line.
When a brilliant billionaire is diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer, he realizes that all his considerable wealth cannot prepare him to meet his Maker. But he has an idea that might: He will stage life's greatest reality show. With his true agenda hidden, he auditions followers from all the world's major religions, inviting them to the trial of their lives on a remote island, defending their spiritual beliefs against all challenges.
Oliver Finney, a feisty old judge with his own secrets, is "chosen" to defend Christianity. As the program takes a strange twist, he quickly realizes that he's trapped in a game of deadly agendas that may cost him his life. With internet access monitored, Finney sends coded messages to his former law clerk, Nikki Moreno.
Aided by a teen crypto-geek, Nikki soon discovers the key to understanding Finney's clues in an apologetics book, The Cross Examination of Jesus Christ. In a unique twist, readers are invited to join Nikki in a race against time as she struggles to decipher the mysteries contained in the ancient words of Christ before her former boss dies defending them.