From an early age Harvey Kilkari was always the happiest when he was exploring in the woods. After high school he wasn't quite sure what he wanted to do. He sailed the high seas for a year as an engineer. Then he studied aeronautics and became a master mechanic. Then he started building houses ... and one day he met Game Warden Sergeant Duane Lewis. Sgt. Lewis had so impressed him with his stories of chasing night hunters that Harvey applied for the written test and was soon sworn in. From the get-go Harvey knew this is what he was always meant to be. He was in 7th heaven. How could anyone call being a game warden just a job? Harvey and Minh Lyng fall in love divinely. Minh Lyng had a twelve-year-old son and all he ever wanted to be is a Maine Game Warden like his father. As Harvey is retiring, he remembers Retired Maine Game Warden Supervisor Virgil Grant saying, YES IT HAS BEEN FUN.