Chesterfield Stanway returns home after the war in Europe is over only to find that he no longer has a home in Whiffle Tree, Maine. Both of his parents died while he was fighting in the war. He buys a lot of land with an old log cabin on it, in the Felka Township, two miles south of the Felka lumbering village.He and his new wife, Tawny Hawkes, build a log house there. . .what is locally known as the murder field. Their closest neighbor, two miles west, Banjo Jack, was originally blamed for the murder.Banjo Jack is a reclusive sort who lives alone near Brandy Pond. He tells the local game warden, Rafe Knockwood, about his history and how he came to live alone at Brandy Pond. Chester and Tawny, by chance, solve the murder field mystery. The real murderer returns to eliminate the witnesses, and his dream of an affluent lifestyle south of the border are gone forever. *** “You! You're Robin Hood?”