She has always known there were Powers in the world that others could not see or hear. Some of them sang to her in her cradle. Others have hunted her since she was a child.
A cripple from birth, a foster child who grows up tormented and outcast, she knows that she does not belong in this world. When the young man who calls himself Lone Warrior appears, she loves him as she has never loved. And when he disappears, wandering into the wilds of a national park with no intention of ever coming back, she will follow him no matter what doors he steps through.
Even if it means defying all of the Powers in this world and every other.
“Butterflies Dancing” is a short story, originally published in While the Morning Stars Sing, an anthology of spiritually infused speculative fiction from ResAliens Press.
Rachel Starr Thomson is also the author of Taerith, the Seventh World Trilogy (Worlds Unseen, Burning Light, and Coming Day), and other novels and short stories.