In the undulating purple mists of a parallel step realm to Earth lies the kingdom of Shadowrealm. It's noble leaders, the royal House of O' Oasis, are pledged to protect the earth and its inhabitants.
The night of the crimson moon, Tsar Fredrick O'Oasis is brutally murdered. Shadowrealm lost their Tsar, but his son Alexsander assumes the throne as the Tsar and rightful ruler. Enraged, his younger brother Prince Omar O'Oasis makes a pact with the Dark Amy forces led by the notorious Prime Vice Dark. He has promised his allies and minions the demon born Chupalmas the spoils of the Earthrealm.
Tsar Alexander's mission is clear, and he travels to Earth to turn away the murderous tide of the invaders, and in the process encounters the one woman on earth destined to bring him to his knees and claim his soul: Nicolette. Beautiful, educated and desperate to solve the mystery surrounding the murderous rampage, she is unaware of having the dangerous target on her back or that she possesses the magic to fight the Dark Forces that seek to enslave her.
A tug of war ensues: Nicolette refuses to recognize her connection with Tsar Alexander, the Chupalmas are closing in, and time is running out.
. . . . . . will Tsar Alexander be the EARTH SAVIOR?