Before California Henderson stumbled into Jazzy's on a hot summer day, she had discovered neither her ass nor her voice. Prior to getting on stage and belting out a poem talking about that good for nothing ex fiancé of hers, Artimus Jackson, her asset was just a butt to sit on and her voice just something that came out of her mouth. A little naïve, having grown up a good church going girl from the South, she didn't know the power of either. Along with the interesting characters of Jazzy's, she goes down a road of discovery and finds herself and her voice and must make a decision to go with one of the new men in her life. Neither one of them, Big Malik, young sexy, masculine and just so fine her legs flew open every time she saw him, or Black, a metrosexual Renaissance man who makes her heart flutter and her pulse race with his intellect, is the kind of man she saw herself with. Both men come with baggage and drama. “Never date a man you wouldn't mate,” was her granny's motto that played in California's head whenever she looked from one of her men to the other. But her Granny was long gone and California has started making her own decisions. She quit her job in pursuit of her dream and got a man who is good to her and one that is good for her. But why does she have to choose? If it's all left up to California, she's going to do everything in her will to be able have her cake and eat it too.