Three stories by Science Fiction Grand Master, Poul Anderson. EARTHMAN BEWARE! What if you were an alien child orphaned on earth. You look human enough to masquerade as human, but what if your mind was vastly different? Different in more ways than you can imagine. DUEL ON SYRTIS.... Although it was illegal to hunt Martians for sport, when one had a enough money the laws could be circumvented. Riordan had the money now he wanted the skin of Martian to hang on the wall of his trophy room. Of course the Martian has other ideas. THE STAR BEAST Man had become virtually immortal. They could renew their bodies every thirty or forty years if they choose. Harol wanted more than just a young body to pour his hundreds of years of memories into. He decided on something quite different, a tiger--to be a carnivore. But would he have an Earth to return to when he changed back to human?