Some are born into slavery, some always end up being the sacrifice. Polina exists in a state of hibernating anguish, at a constant disadvantage. She has the body of a woman and the mind of a child. Mikah makes it his personal crusade to turn Polina into a woman, to introduce her to the reality of adulthood, forcing her to become her potential, but first he plans to remove from her soul the filth of debauchery. Disciples and angels are driven to reform dirty angels to a state of purity. She is his Eve, his woman, an extension of his will. Mikah's version of mercy is her version of hell. Polina was raised in subjugation, she will never be free. She has secrets so dark she has blocked out the pain, buried the guilt, submersing her memories in a blanket of ignorance. Mikah wants her body, her mind, her life, her afterlife, but sometimes we don't get what we want. The second Victor entered Polina's life it was too late for redemption. Only one barrier blocks her escape to freedom, the bratva.