Senior year is a big deal, and it's full of huge decisions and the very best kind of memory making -- but, for Alice McKinley, her last year of high school is being overshadowed by some very difficult situations. A sudden increase in vandalism at the school leads Alice to discover an angry and violent group of students -- teenage Neo-Nazis. And if that wasn't bad enough, an awkward hallway encounter gets Amy Sheldon to confess that a new, attentive teacher has been taking advantage of her. All at once, Alice's safe and comfortable school starts feeling strange and serious -- all this plus the normal senior year pressures of college applications and life-making decisions. It's no wonder Alice is feeling like she can't cut loose and have a good time. She's getting older; Alice knows that -- but does the world have to throw everything at her at once?! Here're her options: step up or melt down. The choice is simple and true to the character that readers have loved for years:Alice steps up -- and in a big way.