"I don't see how we can pretend she's invisible," Debra whispered. "
"That's hard to do." "Of course we can!" insisted Melissa.
Hanging back unhappily behind the group of girls who are teasing sullen Trina, Sandy is faced with a choice: Shall she--or shall she not--follow the popular blond leader, Melissa, so she can have a place in the crowd? Melissa's game is mean--but Sandy just has to make friends!
When Sandy's family moved from New York City to a house in the country near Halcyon, New Jersey, Sandy found herself in two strange new worlds: the quiet world of the woods, mazed with mysterious paths and rustling with strange noises, and the cruel world of class rivalries in a small-town school.
Trina, the curt, unattractive orphan down the road, who is disliked even by the grandmother she lives with, tells Sandy to stay out of the woods she considers her own. Melissa, whom Debra and most others in the class follow, says Sandy had better help torment Trina or she might become invisible too. It is hard to know what to do.
When Sandy finds the little cabin deep in the woods where Trina hides her treasures… when she begins to learn from reluctant Trina how each living thing in the woods depends on every other living thing, Sandy begins to plot a way to follow the instinct that tells her what to do. And that plot leads her into a great adventure and new beginnings.