P. H. Newby ... is, I think, by a long way the most gifted English writer to appear since the beginning of the Second World War.' Anthony West, The New Yorker The story of the Nashes, P. H. Newby's A Season in England brilliantly tackles, with freshness, insight and humour, the ancient theme of a young man in revolt against his parents. Narrated by the son's friend, Tom Passmore, it is the story of how after Guy's death, he is left to try and explain to Guy's parents how he had come, unawares to them, to marry the exotic and temperamental Greek girl, Renee. Passmore conceives it to be his duty to bring about reconciliation, to move them all away from misunderstanding toward forgiveness. But this mission is complicated by the extraordinary attraction that Renee holds for him, and the ever surprising Nashes.