A gripping tale of murder, secrets, and a race against time...When the Professor arrives at a University on Vancouver Island, little does he know that his life is about totake a sinister turn. Set against the backdrop of a First Nation reservation,his arrival coincides with a shocking murder that rocks the community to its core.As suspicions rise and tension mounts, Peter finds himself caught in a web of deception and intrigue. As Peter navigates a dangerous path of secrets and hidden agendas, he discovers an age-old cover-up, threatening not only his own reputation but also the very fabric of a community rich in history and culture. But what he uncovers goes far beyond a relentless quest to uncover the truth. Unexpectedly, he becomes the prime suspect in a heinous crime and is faced with proving his innocence without abandoning his search.In Gold Among the Trees, acclaimed author, Mr. King, delivers a mesmerizing page-turner that explores the depths of human nature, the clash of cultures, and the lengths one man will go to seek justice. Packed with heart-stopping suspense, unforgettable characters, and a twist you won't see coming, this thrilling novel will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final revelation.Prepare to be captivated by a tale where the line between right and wrong blurs, and where the true cost ofsilence becomes an undeniable force. Are you ready to uncover the Gold Among the Trees?